Before we dive into the description of vision, it is important to investigate or ask this questions:

What kind of future do we prefer? 
Where am I heading to?

image of an eye

Vision can be defined as a clear definition of life's destination. Where there is no vision there is a paralysis of mentality because it takes an open eye to have an open mind. Being sure of where we are going is a critical requirement for a destination because without a clear definition then disaster is inevitable. There is no possibility without responsibility. Man has to play his own role after God played His role. It is important to note that existence without vision is existence in stagnation. 

man on top of a car viewing
Vision is the driver of life. Life is a burden if it has no bearing and life without vision equals time without meaning. People of vision have a lot of focus. 

Vision helps you to measure life's progress. Until where you are going is defined, how far you have gone can never be measured. Let us take for e.g., someone traveling from Helsinki to Lahti and when he gets to Haarajoki, it is easier to calculate how many kilometers are left. Wisdom travels in the direction of vision because if you know where you are going, how you will get there opens up. 

woman viewing with a monocular

Vision is a clear picture of a preferred future because to live by chance is to end by chance. It is the vision that determines what direction your life is heading.

Vision gives you singleness of focus, you are target specific. The reason people don't see clearly most times is that either they have no vision, or they are surrounded by people going nowhere.

a lady viewing through binocular

Vision is key to possession because what man sees determines what God gives as the scriptures make us understand in the book of Genesis 13:14-15. What you see is what you can seize and what you picture determines what you can capture, and whatever does not occur to you cannot occur for you.

What you picture is what you can capture, so it is important to visualize to realize it.

Man jumping on high

Vision is the fuel for motion. It is also the direction of life's motion. Motion is never possible without the life of vision; the truth is that if you do not have where to go then you will have no motion to leave where you are.

Vision is the secret of speed because those who see clearer run faster.

different people in a library

Vision is the secret of discipline. It disciplines an individual's life. It is the stimulator for enthusiasm. Visionlessness is the mother of aimlessness, and this equals age without change. If you know what you want out of life, not everybody can be your friend, and this does not mean that they are your enemy because love is a command, but friendship is a choice, and this choice is made based on the categories that are going in your direction. 


People with vision have a mission and those without vision has confusion. Having insight and revelation brings transformation, and sponsors destiny with a quality character. Another thing that vision does is that it brings momentum and preservation. Any individual that is full of vision is massively and profoundly person enthroned. The reason is that whatsoever burns in a man’s heart determines the success he will experience.

Everyone without vision is an easy victim of life's distractions. Below are a few disadvantages of lack of vision:

  • If you don't know where you are going everywhere looks like a road. 
  • If you don't know where you are facing every direction is a possible direction. 
  • If you don't have a vision for your life, somebody else will give you their vision.
  • If you don't have a plan for running your life, you end up running the plans for another person which may not be in the interest of your life and destiny. 
So, the right vision and the right association will give you the right acceleration. 


  • What you pass through is connected to what will pass through you to your generation; this implies that the legacy you leave next will affect the generation you leave behind. 
  • At times what you suffered determines what you will offer and the challenges you faced determine what you are capable of. 
  • Demands are made where potentials or things are deposited.
  • Review your vision because before it must become your reality; it must first be your rehearsal.
  • Making an impact is better than making money and making a difference is better than making a living.