Monday, March 28, 2022


two ladies making speed with joy

Maintaining the act of joyfulness greases the wheels for a person to accelerate and attain heights in the journey of life. Because when you feel high then the urge to fly high is engineered. Being joyful attracts answers from God and when prayers are answered then progress is inevitable. Without any doubt, an excited person will make more progress than a depressed person because emotion determines motion. The availability of joy is literally the guarantee of joy. So a person does him/herself de-service and injustice by being depressed because without joy a person remains at a stagnated spot. Whenever the devil wants to keep someone down, he baptizes the person with depression.

man wearing t-shirt and jean jumping in joy

Stay joyful in every situation because it is cheaper than explaining yourself. It is true that joy brings the harvest, but harvest too brings joy. It is also true that joy brings results but results do bring joy so the best thing to do is to utilize our joy to get the results that will multiply our joy until that joy is full.  One can only give room to oppression the moment he opens the door for depression to come and have a seat. Until you are depressed you cannot be oppressed because joy guarantees divine presence. There is something in the joy that heals because the scripture says that a merry heart does many good but any heart that is broken will always lead to coarseness, roughness, and unevenness of the body. It also certifies the scriptures that say if God is with us who can be against us.