Thursday, April 21, 2022


man bored and wasting time on a laptop

Life cannot be a concern for those who live a focused life, which avoids the tragedy of wasted time. The absence of focus in a person’s life can be equal to the wastage of life. The value in each human is the gift that the individual was born to deliver. Time is either directed, invested, or wasted. When a person has no definition of where he is going or what to do with his life then time becomes a burden, because he will have so much time but nothing to do with it.  People are attracted not to you but to your gift. When you make an impact then income will undeniably flow in your direction. You don’t need to look for money to make money all you need is to make meaning with your time, and it will attract income. To live a purposeful and significant life one ought to possess a vision that is people-oriented, beyond selfish dreams and fantasies. Because any pipe that carries water for people to drink has the tendency not to remain dry. The water that a person supplies must first wet him.

couples on bed wasting time with alarm clock

The ability to visualize in a timely and positive manner is one of the fundamentals of avoiding time wasted. This can be exemplified by accessing/obtaining insight into God’s purpose for a person’s life. This insight is accessing the mind of God for a purpose of an individual. It is access to God’s original intention for our creation. In other words, it is the image that exists in our minds of future realities as well as the picture that exists in our hearts of life's imagination. A person should imagine where they see themselves in the next 10 years in addition to their ultimate destination. Throughout your entire being, there is a conscious awareness of your destination in life and for eternity.  And all of this is not a person's decision to make rather it is a discovery of what is pulling at the person's heart.

Vision brings focus to live’s pursuit thus helping to avoid the trap of distraction and wastage of time. It makes life to have where it is facing. Anywhere you see an individual that is easily distracted then focus is lacking. Being focused on life delivers people from the heart and activity of indolence and the spell of idleness and laxity. When an individual is focused, there can be no dull moment and the vision they possess gives them the reason and energy to drive the target. It helps a person to keep track of time while investing in positive and tangible things since the time that is not spent on them is inevitably wasted. It is important to note that time cannot be created nor stored because you cannot make a new time to wait somewhere so you can use it later. While a person with vision will have so much to do and be looking for time to fulfill them. What you are out to achieve in life determines who can have the allocation of space in your life. A life of purpose helps you to be disciplined and it influences your association. Those who do not share the same principles or go in the same direction with you are not permitted to be in the same boat with you. The life of vision will help you to be prodigal in affection but frugal in how you associate with people.


brown and white clocks

Life is time, it is defined as time, measured in time, determined by time, lived out in time, qualified by time, the passing of time is the passing of life, Life stops when time stops, and death is life leaving time. In other words, time is temporary while life is eternal. Time cannot be stopped, controlled, resisted, slowed down, speed up, or bought, and no one can repossess or compromise, The following are some examples of what we can accomplish with time:
  • Time can be used
  • Time can be managed
  • Time can be invested
  • Time can be converted
  • Time can be used to fulfill every divine purpose
  • Time can be utilized in developing, initiating, creating, building, and adding value to the life that exists in it.
So, when the scriptures talk about redeeming the time in Ephesians 5:16. It is literally talking about something the time that belonged to us, but we lost it. We may need to work a little harder to repossess or pay the debt that we owe.