Saturday, April 9, 2022



man sitting beside a computer
Everybody wants to succeed but it is important to be a commander of your own focus and identify the objectives of your own success because people fail when they do not know what they want to succeed in.  To aim at nothing as the saying goes is to hit everything and to aim at everything is to hit nothing. Most times people suffer from indecision because their only problem is not to decide. It is not silly, unwise, insane, and irrational for a person to leave a footprint on the sand of the earth. Sometimes people work hard and retire without accomplishment or a contribution to humanity. They left absolutely nothing for the next generation to know that they ever passed through the surface of the earth. Being focused is an act of doing things decisively and not procrastinating.

man reading a book

Life was designed to be lived with divine direction, determination, and target specific, fueled by purpose, desire, and ambition, oiled by compassion, and propelled by offenses. It is important to live your life intentionally and objectively with a reached resolution never to quit until success is achieved. A life of focus must be sensitive and careful not to step on people’s toes on the way to the top. This arrangement cannot be achieved on the platform of crisis management and there is one guarantee formula for failure; trying to please everybody. Everybody was created to be known for something and nobody was created to be lost in the crowd, as a matter of fact, God designed us to stand out and not to fit in. Imagine thousands of flowers in a flower shop and each one has its own uniqueness and different designs. 

Every great accomplishment in history was paid for by someone’s life. It means that someone poured all his energy, sweat, and time to be known for something or to make a mark and that is why history cannot ignore them. We were not created only to be special but to specialize. Sometimes we need to focus on what we were born to do and not what others are doing to make their money because there is something in everybody that makes a way for them. The potential that is deposited in a person is not something that was learned nor begged for but was given for a manifestation on the earth. So, it is everybody’s responsibility to stir up the gift inside of them.


man and woman beside dry-erased-board
The people around you determine what you can survive in life, so be sure to nurture good relationships. Rather than living a life without bearing, you should live a life with purpose, because a life without a purpose is a life without profit.

Develop your potential because as David's talent took him to the palace, a man's gift creates an opportunity for him. A person’s potential is his vehicle to his destination as in the case of Joseph, he became a prime minister in a country where he was sold as a slave. When an individual maximizes his potential then lifting is made certain. It is important to note that a person’s gift determines his lifting or rising in life and destiny.
To increase their potential and set themselves up for success, an individual must be willing to develop, expand, and intensify the opportunities of life by seizing the moment and living with a sense of urgency.
  • Procrastination only leads to stagnation. Frivolying and delaying in many areas over the years has prevented many people from achieving their goals and destinies.
  • Making a difference in life isn't the only thing you need to do, treat others as you would want them to treat you is also very crucial.
  • Don't be nasty to people, and avoid strife at all costs, because those who strive for excellence seldom have time for a struggle or a wrangle. 
Every invitation to animosity, clash, and rivalry is a proposal and suggestion to backwardness thereby leading to a lack of motion and progress in life and destiny. In order to lead a fulfilling, and wasteless life, one needs to live in the consciousness of eternity with God. It is the commitment to kingdom service and how useful one is to God and the interests of His kingdom that determines his reward both in time and eternity. Our responsibilities include detailing how we used the potential that God, through His gifting, deposited within us, along with our commitment to maintaining quality spirituality