Thursday, April 7, 2022


What does it take to understand and fulfill life’s purpose? 

Three ladies walking joyfully

The intention, reason, and ambition of life is the life of purpose. One cannot live a regular routine life to achieve a purpose. Any life that is not lived according to purpose is a famished and emaciated life. Achievement in life is advancement and accomplishment in purpose. Every product on earth was created to achieve a particular purpose this confirmed Isaiah 43:21. The creator or the manufacturer of any product is the determinant of its purpose. The same way any locomotive machine will not determine why it was invented, that is the same way we cannot determine our purpose. It is only our discovery because nobody decides or determines why he/she was created because this was done before the creation came into manifestation. 

Whatsoever that a person wants to discover can be done by the desperation of purpose because when there is a restlessness to know one’s purpose for a living then insight and wisdom are inevitable. It starts with a decision not to live a life of no value because you cannot have insight where there is no value. Why we must decide to live a purposeful life is that the highest God cannot give birth to the lowest children. He wants us to have a place of distinction not a place of frustration, an enviable place not a pitiable place.

There are circumstances that shape this intent and we mention them below:

  • Putting our trust in the Lord in the matter of our purpose helps to fulfill destiny. When we come to the point where we understand that God is caring enough to know what is best for our lives. 
  • Saturate your atmosphere with praise and worship for the climate of divine direction to be established
  • Determine to pursue purpose without distractions because for every success there are strategies and secrets, for every provision there are conditions.
  • Decide and prepare in advance to be different because it is impossible to make a mark or a difference without being different and going the extra mile. The only difference between extraordinary people and ordinary people is the “extra” that is added to everything ordinary. 
  • Avoid jealousy because what you don’t celebrate you cannot attract. Have a sense of purpose and maintain character, until your character is adjusted your destiny is not established. Have a sense of purpose for those who live purposelessly end up uselessly.
  • Anyone not going in your direction is not qualified for your association so choose your friends and association wisely.
  • Be separated from the wrong lifestyle, behavioral patterns, habits, and environment because there are  certain environments that will fight your destiny
  • Be desperately focused on where you are going because if the enemy cannot cause you to focus on the immediate, he cannot stop you from reaching the ultimate
  • By all means, turn down and refuse everything that will make your attention to be drawn away because what you don’t resist, you assist.