Wednesday, March 30, 2022


man holding eye glasses with joy

Life must be lived deliberately not accidentally. It is not commendable to live life in random motion. The enemy fights joy in the life of a person because of the worth and value of joy. Joy is an irreplaceable crucial asset in a person that neither money nor education can be able to replace. That is why it is important to make the decision to fight for your joy by all means and at all costs. 

There are appearances and occurrences that steal one's joy because whatsoever a person feeds on affects how the individual fairs in life. It is meaningful and significantly important to watch what goes inside of us and determine that it inspires the rejoicing of our soul. This can mean that an individual's association determines the outcome of their celebration because association with depression can never deliver the atmosphere of celebration. Why this is important is because there are some places or relationships you enter into and your joy disappears or the person loses his or her peace. 

man, wife and child sitting joyful on a bed

When a person is joyful the tendency of being praiseful becomes automatic. Praise causes the earth to yield or surrender her increase to us. It also causes the resources in our hands to multiply. It literally secures the blessing that is given to us by God. The outburst of praise inside of us secures the fearful blessings that God gives us and thereafter provokes the judgment on the adversary.

Joy facilitates your access to uncovering deep things because the more joyful you are then the greater your connection to revelation. Lack of joy breaks down the body system and leads to weakness. Most often than not, some sicknesses can be traceable to a broken heart because the heart is the engine of the body; just like when the engine of a car is broken, automatically that car breaks down and becomes grounded. But when a person rejoices then revelation keeps flowing and health and vitality begin to manifest in their lives. Joseph was joyful even in the prison that he could ask other inmates why their countenance was distressed. Joy can be facilitated and kept active by faith.

We can’t let things that we do not have control over sour our day. Other people may have the right to be arrogant, rude, and pessimistic but that does not determine another person’s joy. Most of the things that make us sad are simply a distraction between where you are and where you are going. We got to protect our joy by realizing that somebody’s anger or bitterness should not determine our destiny because no individual person’s approval is required for another person to fulfill his/her destiny.

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